Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Apple seeds

How many seeds are in an apple?

Six or Seven!

How many apples are in one of those seeds?

An orchard! or an infinite 3 of apples!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Take your Pick--California or New York....

"Socialism appears to be a noble endeavor until you run out of other people's money."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stan's Energy Plan

Windmills, solar panels, hybrid cars, sacrifice (use less), and Cap and Trade (Tax) seems to be the core of the current administration's energy plan. We have never had a national energy plan since we saw the need for one back in the 1970's during the Arab oil embargo and we still don't have one! Bush and other presidents have done nothing and what Obama may do with the Cap and Trade (Tax) bill could be a mortal blow.

One commentator said that if our country went all out on wind energy we could increase our energy from that source from 1% to 2% in a few years. My question is: "How are we going to supply the other 98% needed?"

My motivation is not man made global warming...but we have to do something about our future energy needs so we can quit sending money to the the Middle East, protect our national security and improve our trade balance sheet.

Here's my plan.....

1. Encourage wind energy, solar panels, hybrid cars, higher energy ratings on appliances and HAVC systems, and building materials with tax credits.

2. Convert the entire trucking (18 wheelers) to pressurized natural gas. That will cut oil imports dramatically.

3. Subsidize and build up the rail system to transport goods nationally! The energy savings here would be incredible!

4. Tax credits for food grown and sold locally---a small tax on foods transported across state lines (is this legal?) The tax is to help build the local food industry.

5. Drill here, Drill now. Oil is not going away, neither is coal!

6. Build Nuclear plants! It's the cleanest energy source. What are the French doing with the by-products???? We could shoot it at the moon and fill up a few craters!

7. Do away with that joke called ethanol. Ethanol gives you lower gas mileage and takes almost as much energy to make than it produces. Farmers should grow food instead!

8. Tax credits for businesses/people who create and live in new communities that have walking and bike paths etc.

Doing some parts of all of these could reduce oil imports, carbon pollutions (for all you global warming types) and protect our energy independence. Oil will be a $150-200 a barrel again...How short sighted can our politicians be? Hopefully capitalism saves us?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Making a living

"It is not what we earn from our endeavors, but what we become by them that counts."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Right Hypocrisy Part 2

The simple answer (HA!) is that Christians understand (at least some do) that we are saved by grace not by how good we are.

1. We strive to be "good" in response to God loving us and thus we can live a better life and hurt fewer people. The Bible isn't shy about telling us about the consequences of breaking the standard of "thy shall not commit adultery". David's life was destroyed and he could only find solace in God's forgiveness Psalm 51.

2. Failure to live up to God's standards in some area plagues all Christians. The Bible says that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Judging by the anecdotal evidence--the behavior of myself and other Christians--that verse continues to be true even after we accept God's forgiveness in Christ. If we were good enough to live up to the standards, we wouldn't need the grace--the forgiveness afforded in the cross. I don't need God if I can do it on my own.

3. We as humans are complicated....our pride keeps us from truly surrendering to God, so I pick particular sins of others, the one I don't commit, and pound them so I can feel "right" before God. Jesus talked about "picking the splinter out of your brothers eye when you have a log in your own." Basically it works like this: if I can call attention to what others are doing, then I don't have to recognize or deal with my own sin.

4. Taking moral stands can have the underlying effect of making me feel morally superior and thus I can see myself as better than the "sinners" and feel I have the right to be at the front of the line with God. (the Elder brother syndrome in the story of the Prodigal God, Luke 15; and the story of the laborers in the vineyard Matthew 20; and the story of Pharisee adn Tax Collector Luke 18)

5. Also, many times the sin that we rail against is the sin that plagues us internally and we preach against it, condemn those who do it as a way to keep ourselves in line.

So yes I admit it, we are hypocrites! Politics and religion breed them... but not everytime! That's the hazard of taking a stand for moral values. But my failures don't change God's love as preached and lived so imperfectly by his people. My failures don't change the God who wants the best for us.

So I cannot claim the high moral ground, I can only tell others that I see it and will reach it some day in the Kingdom of God.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Right Hypocrisy Part 1

Mark Sanford, the at the moment governor of SC, has proven that adultery--"the love bug" clouds judgment and discretion. At first, I reserved judgment on whether he should resign, but now I have no doubt he should resign. A "values" Republican busted by the lack thereof!

As a pastor, I have seen this time of irrationality before. I could give you a few illustrations of parishioners who crossed the line, but I could give you a long list of offenders from among the clergy in the Christian Church. An associate minister at my home church in Louisville lied to Bob Russell about his on-going affair and then ran off with the woman. Another minister had an affair with a woman on a Missions trip, promised he wouldn't do it again and did it again! Another minister resigned after unfaithfulness, but the Elders didn't want him to leave... Go figure. He was even caught in a closet with the church secretary once. The number of stories I could relate are incredible when you consider these are the guys and gals taking "stands" on moral issues.

But these champions of the moral right, Mark Sanford and those many pastors who shall remain nameless, match the behavior of some of the leading characters of the Bible. Only one example is needed here.....King David. Described in his early life as "a man after God's own heart", David caught the "love bug" and fell to depths that no one could imagined for God's chosen King.

One could conclude that these Bible characters, these 'right' politicians, these Christians are a bunch of hypocrites! It's clear that the "left" enjoys the Mark Sanford saga, especially after Bill Clinton (which the right exploited). The media points drips with sarcasm and ridicule at the obvious hypocrisy but has no explanation beyond making political points.

Though the question spills into politics, the answer begins at a place the left doesn't understand(some inside the faith don't even understand). How can Christians claim the high moral ground, push for values, while at the same time violating their own standards? That's Part 2...coming soon.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." Winston Churchill

"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it." Flannery O'Connor

"Truth is not determined by majority vote."

"Beware of the half truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Abortion: Killing the Drs.

I shuttered when I heard that an abortion Dr. was shot and killed Sunday in his church.

One part of me wanted to treat his death the same way I would view stepping on a bug because I don't want it in my house. In my view, this late term abortion Dr. was a human being on the level of a drug dealer or mass murderer.

A second reaction was the "OH NO"---the media is going to have a field day on this and use it for "political" advantage. They are going to paint all pro-life Christians as terrorists. MSNBC did just that last night as the anchor cited what she made to sound like this long list of Abortion clinics workers and Drs who had been killed since the 90's. Though one is too many--the list is actually short compared to other behaviors that bring about death....smoking, drug wars, drunk drivers, Tim McVeighs etc. I believe the # is around 14 total. She went on to talk about all the Christian web sites that applauded the killers of abortion Drs. And I'm sure those sites exist. Her interviews, her rhetoric did all she could to treat this as a terrorist event. But what she conveniently LEFT OUT was that this action is not condoned by 99.9% of Christians.

My third reaction was this was not an action that Jesus would have taken. With all the evils and injustices of his day, he didn't pick up the sword or call down angels to take God's revenge.
Vigilantism is not God's plan. The Bible states..."'vengeance is mine I will repay', says the Lord. " The Bible says the State is to oversee the administration of justice and use of the sword to do so. The problem is that the state condones this evil and Christians have to reply on changing minds and hearts with the force of their argument, voting for pro-life candidates, supporting Crisis pregnancy centers that help, but not murder! When we murder abortion Drs, we lower ourselves to their level.

By taking this action of killing this low-life Dr., this murder eliminates the change of repentance and redemption of Dr. Tiller. (I find it ironic that he was killed in church.)

Some of you may not understand how this murderer could justify murder of an Dr. That's really should be reserved for another blog entry....

Monday, June 1, 2009

Food for Thought

"Young man....Young man....Your arms too short to box with God."

Those words are the beginning of the story of the Prodigal Son as written by the 19th century Negro preacher poet James Weldon Johnson. I became familiar with him back in the late early 70's through the music called "God's Trombone".

Monday, May 18, 2009

Muslin Demographic Video

Just got an e-mail from Wayne McGee who lives in London and has worked with Muslims for many years send me this link that responses to muslim demographic video.

Click here to read the response.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Birthday of Days Gone By

Today is my 56th birthday. It is also the 5th anniversary of one of the top 5 life changing events of my life. I lost my job...fired...from a church. My brother had just died and it added major insult to a traumatic personal injury.

My friend Jere says that "everyone should get fired at least once in life and preferably twice". Lots of lessons to be learned I suppose. I remember the embarrassment. I suffered the lost of my identity. For men so much of our identity is tied up with what we do for a living. I was lost. I no longer walked into the room as the "preacher", I was just Stan--car salesmen, Dillards employee...then financial planner for Seniors.

Some have called this event the day I gained my freedom--freedom in thinking, free weekends, freedom from expectations, free evenings...etc. But with freedom has come loss. Loss of an instant community. Loss of financial stability, having to create a new career! Loss of what was, by in large, a good life.

Regrets? A few, but I don't regret the friends I still have in Indiana.

Mistakes, certainly! I got to the point where I didn't like my job in Indiana for reasons that need not be stated here. My favorite movie at that time was "Office Space--Work Sucks". So I can honestly now say that I'm glad they "dun me in".

I cannot talk about the week following the "firing" without choking up because of all the unbelievable ways that God took care of us. Bill and Donna were there willing to sit with us; Garry and Jenny were unbelievable; Angie Dunn left a very kind message on the machine; gifts from the Mcfadzeans, the Blevins, and Ron and Malvery; and a Sunday afternoon visit from Gary,Susan, Bob and Carol and their unending support; a miraculous call from Dan Lawson; and Toby on the golf course tending to his parents on this day 5 years ago; and then Saturday came and a surprise call from friends from Greenville who were at a conference at Southeast--Jeff and Cindy and Danny and Suzy--you just can't imagine what it meant to us! You all make me want to be the kind of person who reached out to people in pain.

I'm sorry that my kids had to go through this. Haley suffered the most. Each of them suffered with me. Their view of the church has been jaded but they have to remember that Woodruff Road never treated us that way. Life sometimes is messy, even when we're nice people.

Forgiveness was a long process. I now can actually wish the leadership of that church well. I never thought I would be able to do that. After 5 years I hold no animosity toward anyone.

Thanks to my supportive family, wife and friends! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Islamic Threat?

Watch the You Tube video on Islamic population changes.... "what is the call to Action?" To have more babies? To stop immigration? To protect our culture by limiting religious liberty? To evangelize Muslims? Is this video just a scare tactic produced by someone clinging to their guns and religion?

I know that I don't want my grandchildren living under Islamic law. Please add your thoughts. The video is about 7 minutes long. I promise it will be at least thought-provoking.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Never let them in your house

One rule at our house is "we don't allow salesmen into the house." I learned the hard way that they know what they're doing and we don't.

This morning I went to Verizon to get my phone fixed. I ended up getting a new phone for practically NOTHING???...they love to do that because it extends your contract AGAIN! But I was intrigued by the way the CSR tried to assume that I would buy a phone cover & belt holder. I had to say No a couple of times.

One of the books I'm reading right now is called.... Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion. We are mannipulated at every turn to buy! Arm yourself against sales techniques....Become aware of what they are doing to us.

I need to go to work...I have some selling to do.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I have included an e-mail I recieved from Toby about global warming. enjoy his thoughts

Hey Dad,
I have been doing some more research on the global warming thing. It seems that most of the dissenters to man-made warming are saying so because of the cool-down of the past decade. (650 scientists) I decided that I needed to examine this. I discovered that since the warming began in the 1880s, 2005 (one of the coolest years since 2000), was the 10th warmest year on record still. Then I discovered this article:
This might explain why we are having the cool down also. If you take a look at the attached excel doc...you can see also that our co2 output has pretty much leveled off. Maybe this is helping to slow the warming.
Also, Its difficult to prove one way or the other, b/c climate is so complex, full of several thousand interrelated parts that are all important for overall measured temperatures; but I think I am coming to believe that it is (in part), man made. The correlation of the charts is a strong piece of evidence. In the end though, I think its like saying, "here, I just proved God existed and you can't refute it." I do see lots of strong evidence though, like I see strong evidence of God's existence.
I just want you to think carefully about it, and I would disagree completely with the notion that all liberals have diabolical intentions to take away our way of life and impose socialism. Certainly some do want to do that, but I think we could also safely say that there are plenty of crazy people on the other side too. (ie. guy holding sign of obama with hitler stache). Fringe elements should not define any political movement, conservative or liberal.
I think that people are genuinely concerned about the fate of humanity. At the end of the day, we are all environmentalists: we all like breathing air, and our bodies like to consume clean water, since water constitutes 90% of it. I heard someone once say that you are like a walking water bag. The lawhons are like walking bags of lake robinson water!
One example I often think about is the collapse of the north atlantic cod fishery. Scientists warned in the early 90s that quotas should be enstated and enforced. Unfortunately, politicians, constituents, and their lobbies were shortsighted. Few quotas were legislated and in the early 2000s, the entire fishery collapsed. No more fish. All these fishermen and an entire resulting industry were put out of work immediately. Wouldn't it have been better to make smaller cuts earlier on and save several thousand jobs in the end?
It seems that the arguments against being environmentally conscious (and some arguments against global warming---though not all) tend to go the way of those early 90s fisherman. Are we only hurting ourselves in the end by not paying attention to this stuff and making a few sacrifices now?
I will of course continue to remain skeptical of both sides, and I would welcome a reply and any evidence/arguments from the other side that are compelling for you.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Language and Global Warming

It's been said....."If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." Such is the strategy of the global warming crowd. Global warming has not been proven to be caused by human activity. Six Hundred fifty scientist recently came out against this "accepted truth". It continues to be my opinion that global warming is more about equalizing the unequal distribution of wealth (destroying consumerism as symbolized by the evil SUV) raising taxes, and supporting the radical environmental agenda of the far left.

The latest strategy of this "lie" has been to change the language from "global warming" to "climate change", thus enabling the propagandist to play both sides of the weather--cold and hot. Extremes in the weather, like our severe winter, is used to prove "climate change".