Thursday, April 30, 2009

I have included an e-mail I recieved from Toby about global warming. enjoy his thoughts

Hey Dad,
I have been doing some more research on the global warming thing. It seems that most of the dissenters to man-made warming are saying so because of the cool-down of the past decade. (650 scientists) I decided that I needed to examine this. I discovered that since the warming began in the 1880s, 2005 (one of the coolest years since 2000), was the 10th warmest year on record still. Then I discovered this article:
This might explain why we are having the cool down also. If you take a look at the attached excel can see also that our co2 output has pretty much leveled off. Maybe this is helping to slow the warming.
Also, Its difficult to prove one way or the other, b/c climate is so complex, full of several thousand interrelated parts that are all important for overall measured temperatures; but I think I am coming to believe that it is (in part), man made. The correlation of the charts is a strong piece of evidence. In the end though, I think its like saying, "here, I just proved God existed and you can't refute it." I do see lots of strong evidence though, like I see strong evidence of God's existence.
I just want you to think carefully about it, and I would disagree completely with the notion that all liberals have diabolical intentions to take away our way of life and impose socialism. Certainly some do want to do that, but I think we could also safely say that there are plenty of crazy people on the other side too. (ie. guy holding sign of obama with hitler stache). Fringe elements should not define any political movement, conservative or liberal.
I think that people are genuinely concerned about the fate of humanity. At the end of the day, we are all environmentalists: we all like breathing air, and our bodies like to consume clean water, since water constitutes 90% of it. I heard someone once say that you are like a walking water bag. The lawhons are like walking bags of lake robinson water!
One example I often think about is the collapse of the north atlantic cod fishery. Scientists warned in the early 90s that quotas should be enstated and enforced. Unfortunately, politicians, constituents, and their lobbies were shortsighted. Few quotas were legislated and in the early 2000s, the entire fishery collapsed. No more fish. All these fishermen and an entire resulting industry were put out of work immediately. Wouldn't it have been better to make smaller cuts earlier on and save several thousand jobs in the end?
It seems that the arguments against being environmentally conscious (and some arguments against global warming---though not all) tend to go the way of those early 90s fisherman. Are we only hurting ourselves in the end by not paying attention to this stuff and making a few sacrifices now?
I will of course continue to remain skeptical of both sides, and I would welcome a reply and any evidence/arguments from the other side that are compelling for you.

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