Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Abortion: Killing the Drs.

I shuttered when I heard that an abortion Dr. was shot and killed Sunday in his church.

One part of me wanted to treat his death the same way I would view stepping on a bug because I don't want it in my house. In my view, this late term abortion Dr. was a human being on the level of a drug dealer or mass murderer.

A second reaction was the "OH NO"---the media is going to have a field day on this and use it for "political" advantage. They are going to paint all pro-life Christians as terrorists. MSNBC did just that last night as the anchor cited what she made to sound like this long list of Abortion clinics workers and Drs who had been killed since the 90's. Though one is too many--the list is actually short compared to other behaviors that bring about death....smoking, drug wars, drunk drivers, Tim McVeighs etc. I believe the # is around 14 total. She went on to talk about all the Christian web sites that applauded the killers of abortion Drs. And I'm sure those sites exist. Her interviews, her rhetoric did all she could to treat this as a terrorist event. But what she conveniently LEFT OUT was that this action is not condoned by 99.9% of Christians.

My third reaction was this was not an action that Jesus would have taken. With all the evils and injustices of his day, he didn't pick up the sword or call down angels to take God's revenge.
Vigilantism is not God's plan. The Bible states..."'vengeance is mine I will repay', says the Lord. " The Bible says the State is to oversee the administration of justice and use of the sword to do so. The problem is that the state condones this evil and Christians have to reply on changing minds and hearts with the force of their argument, voting for pro-life candidates, supporting Crisis pregnancy centers that help, but not murder! When we murder abortion Drs, we lower ourselves to their level.

By taking this action of killing this low-life Dr., this murder eliminates the change of repentance and redemption of Dr. Tiller. (I find it ironic that he was killed in church.)

Some of you may not understand how this murderer could justify murder of an Dr. That's really should be reserved for another blog entry....

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