Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Right Hypocrisy Part 1

Mark Sanford, the at the moment governor of SC, has proven that adultery--"the love bug" clouds judgment and discretion. At first, I reserved judgment on whether he should resign, but now I have no doubt he should resign. A "values" Republican busted by the lack thereof!

As a pastor, I have seen this time of irrationality before. I could give you a few illustrations of parishioners who crossed the line, but I could give you a long list of offenders from among the clergy in the Christian Church. An associate minister at my home church in Louisville lied to Bob Russell about his on-going affair and then ran off with the woman. Another minister had an affair with a woman on a Missions trip, promised he wouldn't do it again and did it again! Another minister resigned after unfaithfulness, but the Elders didn't want him to leave... Go figure. He was even caught in a closet with the church secretary once. The number of stories I could relate are incredible when you consider these are the guys and gals taking "stands" on moral issues.

But these champions of the moral right, Mark Sanford and those many pastors who shall remain nameless, match the behavior of some of the leading characters of the Bible. Only one example is needed here.....King David. Described in his early life as "a man after God's own heart", David caught the "love bug" and fell to depths that no one could imagined for God's chosen King.

One could conclude that these Bible characters, these 'right' politicians, these Christians are a bunch of hypocrites! It's clear that the "left" enjoys the Mark Sanford saga, especially after Bill Clinton (which the right exploited). The media points drips with sarcasm and ridicule at the obvious hypocrisy but has no explanation beyond making political points.

Though the question spills into politics, the answer begins at a place the left doesn't understand(some inside the faith don't even understand). How can Christians claim the high moral ground, push for values, while at the same time violating their own standards? That's Part 2...coming soon.

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